The trade and investment facilitation initiatives aim to address the disparity in intra-regional trade by reducing Non-Tariff Barriers, balancing trade with partners, and exploring upgrades to Free Trade Agreements.
ASEAN-BAC 2023 has identified several initiatives
Promote intra-ASEAN trade across various sectors such as paper, automotive, food and beverage, textiles, and investment,
Upgrading and harmonizing trade agreements such as ATIGA, RCEP, and ASEAN Plus FTAs
The ASEAN Business Entity has been established as a legacy program that aims to strengthen intra-ASEAN investment by offering advantages dedicated to promoting key reforms in trade and investment within ASEAN.
Anne Patricia Sutanto
Policy Manager of ASEAN-BAC Trade Facilitation, Chairman of KADIN Standing Committee on International Agreements
Roderick Purwana
Policy Manager of ASEAN-BAC Investment Facilitation, Managing Partner East Ventures
Menara Kadin Indonesia 3rd, 24th & 29th Floor H.R. Rasuna Said X-5 Kav 2-3 Jakarta 12950 Indonesia
Phone +62 21 5274484 (Hunting)
Fax +62 21 5274331, 5274332
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